Monday, February 14, 2011


My lovely friend and fellow writer, Annie Duvall, has her debut, "Delicious"
out at Black Label books!!

Did you know that Frankenstein was the first movie from Universal Studios
that didn't come with a warning from a nice man reminding us that it was only fiction and nothing could hurt us...?
**Warning!! Delicious is not for the faint hearted, but it is fabulous!!!**

Happy Valentine's Day peeples!!
*laughs sinisterly and twirls hands*


Lee Thompson/Thomas Morgan/James Logan/Julian Vaughn said...

Very cool. And Happy Valentine's Day to you, Sunshine! :D

Denise Baer said...

Interesting and thanks for the book suggestion. I wish the best for your friend.

Hope you had a nice Valentine's Day.

Laurie said...

Kara! Thanks for promoting Annie's book! You rock, Lady!

Kara McElhinny said...

Thanks, Lee!

The book is a story is a good'ol-down-n-dirty one, Bea! I hope you'll enjoy it if you look it up!

O'course, Laurie!! You rock, sista!