Saturday, May 8, 2010

The Dirty Comments....

LOL, every time I hit a certain number of comments I get these wonderful "remarks" in Chinese. Of course, it's spam. So I'm going to figure out how to use a slight moderation. I'm not a firm believer against porn, the comments are easy enough to ignore(that's what the delete key is for), everyone has a right to see or do whatever they wish. I just don't want it on my blog. At first they were little blurbs. Out of curiosity, I translated them through Google. Now, the blurb gods have grown angry with my delete key. They've turned lengthy and into advertisements for their videos or photos.

From this: "Life is a walk in moonlight."

to "Romantic moonlight forum 85cc adult movie area pastes a movie area Yuan really crisp yellow movie night of chatroom night of sentiment video Internet forum night of fervor chatroom one-to-many beautiful woman video one-to-one video one-to-one video to chat clearly the one-to-one video spicy younger sister video and music video chatroom sweetheart treasure direct seeding to paste the piece to play the beautiful woman person video net beautiful woman short film free to take a look at the video to make friends net 50024 rainbow avdvdsex888 free to look that movie Asia Asia dvd the disc hundred matter free av video chats the net free on-line aa piece to take a look at 85CCsex to paste piece net s383 sentiment color clathria ka ripe female autodyne sex free adult movie situation work place happy thing video swim suit Xiu to develop the net to make friends the free adult movie, 104 free becomeThe human sentiment color literature novel video anchor escapes clothes Xiu gogo2sexplus28 forum Mick to synthesize the forum chatroom to make friends av adult net g8mm middle video bad friend forum video beautiful woman msvt the person chatroom video net to like the chatroom network help handing over 168 forum spicy younger sisters to paste the chart Hsinchu help to hand over the 38ga piece to download the national biggest club ok video, video hot dance Xiu"

No offense to the woman trying to make money, but they can do it somewhere else. My blog isn't a freeway for their ventures anymore.


Fox Lee said...

You're getting Chinese porn?? Oh my.

Cate Gardner said...

Oh, I hate them. They seem to latch onto one post and don't go away until you block commenting on said post.

Kara McElhinny said...

Natalie - Yup. :D Nice to see you around!

Cate - They seemed to like my blog very much. No more suckers!!!

Paula Ray said...

Yikes...haven't had any gremlins like this yet. If there is a way to block them specifically....go for it....or even if you just have to block one get rid of them...I'd do it. Good luck with this, Kara.

Kara McElhinny said...

Thanks Paula. I think I have it fixed as to where I can at least delete them before they comment on my post. *squashes blog trolls between fingers*

Alan W. Davidson said...

You go, girl! Block those nasty smut peddlers. That was quite a rant...the Chinese translation, that is, not you Kara.

Kara McElhinny said...

Lol Alan! Yes, it was. I thought about cutting it down, but this was literally the comment left on my blog. *shakes head*

Aaron Polson said...

It seems to be so random, too. I had one post with twenty-one spam comments in Chinese.

Off to translate...heh!

Kara McElhinny said...

Haha!! Let me know what they say Aaron.

Wow, twenty one! Had fun deleting those eh? Good luck with it!

Here's to both of us and our reader's never having to deal with them again~

Denise Baer said...

Here! Here! The sad thing is there's more internet crap stinking up legitimate sites then actual junk mail delivered by snail mail. I don't understand the concept that if you aggravate people, they're going to come to your site and order something.

I moderate my comments for this reason and I'm glad. Last week, I left a comment on someone's site just raising a question about one of their posts. It wasn't rude, offensive or anything. She responded with a comment on my Mother's Day post telling me to go to her blog for the response. When I went there, she commented on my comment ranting on and calling me a racist and ignorant, etc. A complete nut ball and didn't have anything to do with my comment.

I thought having a public blog allows people to respectfully comment on posts. Maybe even strike up a discussion. I guess I was wrong.

Anyways, Sorry to hear about the Chinese porn.

Damien Walters said...

Sorry to hear about your spam, Kara. I've been lucky with the spammers and my blog - only one spammy comment so far. Of course, now that I've said that, I'll get hit with a million. :)

Shadow said...

eeewwww... Okay Kara that was weird. Didn't even make sense.

Moderate... that is what I do.

mmcelhinny said...

Isn't it refreshing to have an international audience? :)