Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Publication -- My poem over at SNM Horror!

Hey everyone! My poem SYMPHONIC DEATH, is over at SNM Horror Magazine!

Other contributing poets:

Mike Green - Her Unsober Ways, Effie Collins - Brothel of Wicked Fantasy, Thom Olausson - The Blood Curse, Michael Hanson - An Artist, Kurt Newton -Holocaust Beauty Pageant, John Boden - Scree, Damien Grintalis -Terrible Beauty, K.M. McElhinny - Symphonic Death, Theresa Newbill - Black and White, Steven Marshall - A Thought in the Black

Happy writing!


Cody Taylor said...

Congrats, Ms. Hinny. Poem was great. You seem to be doing very well for yourself as a writer. Keep up the good work.

Denise Baer said...

Great job on the poem and all your hard work. Congrats!

Kara McElhinny said...

Thanks Cody, Glad you liked it!

Thanks Bea!

E. F. Collins said...

So, Hinny love, we finally managed to make it in the same publication at the same time. :) This is good, methinks. Love ya girl, and you know I loved the poem. Of course I did.

Alan W. Davidson said...

I am sending woots of congratulations, Kara! Can you hear them yet?

Kara McElhinny said...

Thank ya Effie! I'm hoping our work will be holding hands together much more soon! You're poem's no slouch either my dear!

Thanks Alan! *holds hand around ear* YESS! I think I can here you!

Aaron Polson said...

You had me at sax...I used to play one. Lovely poem, Hinny!

Kara McElhinny said...

Thanks Aaron! I started listening to PIANO's by Danny Elfman and the word just kept coming! I had to write it down!

mmcelhinny said...

And now the waiting is over. Yay!

Kara McElhinny said...

Waiting? What waiting Matt? I'm gonna go with it and say Yay! With you just to make it all good yo.

Anthony Rapino said...

Very cool, I really enjoyed it! It took me a second to figure out which was your because the name was ever so slightly different. :-P

Kara McElhinny said...

Thanks so much Onipar! :D